Открыт прием статей в коллекцию Frontiers in Chemistry, посвященной 150 - летию Периодической Таблицы Элементов. Приглашаются авторы (контакты для приглашения в коллекцию - enanos(at)nanometer.ru).
Международный год Периодической Таблицы Элементов продолжает свое шествие по миру. Все больше появляется возможностей посвятить свои научные статьи этому выдающему событию. Сегодня ведущий издатель журналов открытого доступа и платформа для научной коммуникации Frontiers объявили о приеме статей по тематике «Celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table: Beyond Mendeleev 150”. Основными темами выпуска Frontiers in Chemistry (журнал Open Access, IF 4.155) будут являться:
- История и форма(ы) Периодической таблицы элементов
- Философия Периодической таблицы элементов
- Эмпирический базис Периодической таблицы элементов
- Теоретический базис, включая физические аспекты
- Новые открытия в области Периодического закона
- Новые подходы и новое развития принципа периодичности
- Теоретические предпосылки создания трансурановых элементов
- Изотопы химических элементов
- Космохимические детерминанты химических элементов
- Периодическая таблица элементов в различных науках, таких как геология, биология и др.
Приглашенными редакторами выпуска являются ученые из ИТМО и МГУ, ведущие зарубежные специалисты. Абстракты статей принимаются до середины сентября 2019 года с последующей подачей статей в редакцию.
Описание коллекции со страницы журнала:
"The naturally given complex System of Chemical Elements was for the first time ordered and graphically displayed in a transparent manner, useful in both education and in pure and applied research in chemistry, in a most successful and comprehensive way in 1869, by Russian scientist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. It was immediately and convincingly supported by the quantitative quasi-periodic graphics of various elemental properties of Julius Lothar Meyer. During the past one and a half centuries, Periodic Tables have become the true icon of chemistry, having inspired numerous scientists of various peculiarities, philosophical thinkers, bel-esprits and bread-and-butter scholars as well. Thereby it has opened new exciting horizons for sustainable development and the benefit of humankind. The Periodic Tables have become an integral part of basic natural sciences, of all chemical classrooms, and even of popular culture and arts across the globe.
On this background, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019) to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Natural System of Chemical Elements and of the establishment of Periodic Tables, as one of the most important and influential achievements in modern science. This provides an unparalleled opportunity to highlight the continuous nature of scientific discovery in a peaceful and enlightened world. Advances in research in many different contexts were triggered by the discovery of the Natural System, yielding good ground for recognizing the importance of chemistry in cooperation with other basic disciplines in a world endangered by climate change and unlimited population increase. If anything can help, it will be chemistry…
This Research Topics is dedicated to the Natural System of Elements and its various representations in the form of Periodic Tables, its history and philosophy, its scientific chemical and physical foundations, its innovative applications in education and in actual laboratory research, its cutting-edge findings in chemical periodicity and elemental groups, in chemistry, physics, bio- and geo- and astro-sciences and so on. We welcome original research articles, reviews, mini reviews and perspectives that focus on the following themes:
- History of the Natural System and its representations in the form of Periodic Tables
- Philosophy of the Natural System and Periodic Tables of chemical elements
- Empirical basis of the System and its Tables
- Theoretical basis, in particular physical aspects
- New discoveries in the System and its Tables
- New approaches to and recent developments on the periodicity
- Theoretical considerations on “the end” of the periodic system
- Aspects of isotopy
- Cosmochemical determinants of the elements and their Tables
- the Periodic Tables in other sciences such as Geology, Biology and so on
Keywords: Periodic Table, IYPT, Mendeleev 150, Chemical Elements, Periodic System
Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review."
Frontiers in Chemistry - Impact Factor 4.155, www.frontiersin.org
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