EuroNanoForum 2013 (ENF 2013) состоится в г. Дублине 18-20 августа 2013 г. В рамках ENF 2013 будут заслушаны пленарные доклады, состоится постерная сессия, а также пройдет конкурс нанотехнологических проектов, будет организована выставка.
Срок подачи постерных докладов на EuroNanoForum 2013 продлен до 5 апреля
ENF2013 will have a 2-day poster session, giving visibility to innovative research in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Selected posters will have a dedicated area to display and discuss work in progress, industry demonstrations of new applications or techniques, research demonstrations and test beds, upcoming research challenges, future directions and novel approaches in the field of nanotechnology. Participation of researchers and developers from industry and posters reporting on joint work between industry and academia are especially welcome. The posters will be prominently on display, next to the exhibition area throughout the three days of the conference. This is an ideal dissemination opportunity as well as a forum for influencing nanotechnology funding decisions in Horizon 2020.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to April 5th 2013.
We are looking for posters complementing the conference sessions in the
following areas:
Nanotechnology and Sustainable Energy Development
Nanoelectronics and -plasmonics in industrial applications
Transport – zero emission mobility
Advances in bionanotechnology
Measurement and control enabled by nanotools
Pilot lines and demonstrations
Food and consumer products
Financial Instruments for Commercialization
Functionality Enhancements – nanomaterials, nanoengineering and nanofabrication
Environment and Water Resources
Nanostructures and surfaces Nano in Everyday Life
Industrial Production and Commercialisation of Nanoproducts
All submitted posters will be eligible for the Best Poster Award. 1 finalist per category will be selected by the local organising committee and the International Advisory Group of the event. A Best Poster Award will be given during the Award Gala on Wednesday June 19. All 10 finalists will have their conference fees waived and all poster contributors will avail the early bird registration. Poster representatives are expected to bring their poster with
them as well as to cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation.
The evaluation criteria will be based on the goal or motivation of the work and the scientific, technological and commercial (potential) impact on the field of nanotechnology. A formal invite to bring a poster will be made in early April. All poster participants will need to register for the conference. Accepted poster participants will be able to register using the early registration rate. Participants can submit more than one poster per delegate.
Источник: EuroNanoForum 2013