The European Workshop "Self-Organized Nanomagnets 2012" will be held at Madrid, Spain, April 16-20 2012.
Due to the coincidence of the typical length scales characteristic of magnetism with the nanometer range, the field of nanomagnetism has established itself during the last years as an ideal playground to study the influence of size, shape and dimensionality on collective electronic properties and interactions, spin dynamics, etc. The knowledge derived from these investigations should allow to design and fabricate materials with custom-chosen behavior for specific applications.
The European Workshop "Self-Organized Nanomagnets 2012" is the third edition in a series after the meetings held at Eisenerz, Austria, Oct. 8 - 11th 2006 and Aussois, France, March 29th - April 3rd 2009. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together researchers from different fields having an interest on the preparation, characterization, and application of magnetic objects with sizes in the nanometer range, with an special emphasis on bottom-up fabrication methods, such as self-assembly and self-organization..
The participation of young scientists such as post-docs and PhD students will be strongly encouraged. The workshop will be held at the Fray Luis de León Conference Centre in the town of Guadarrama, situated on the mountain range about 50 km north-west from Madrid. Accommodation for most of the participants will be provided at the same complex, in order to facilitate discussion and direct contact.
Magnetism at the nanometer scale
Self-assembly and self-organization; array formation and addressing
Magnetic characterization of individual nanomagnets and arrays
Molecular magnets
Advanced nanofabrication and synthesis
Applications of nanomagnets
Nanomagnets in Medicine
Self-assembly and self-organization are two broad categories of very fundamental phenomena that manifest themselves everywhere in Nature. Due to the variety of systems, types of interactions and length scales involved they also constitute very interdisciplinary fields of research.
Since its first edition, this series of Workshops have made an effort to bring together scientists with different interests, approaches and backgrounds, in order to stimulate their creativity and promote cross-feeding. To favor the contacts among the participants, accomodation is provided at the same conference venue, and the scientific program is arranged so as to leave some free time for leisure and social activities. For these reasons, the number of participants is usually limited to about 100-120, and the majority of the contributions will be presented as posters.
These workshops also place a strong emphasis on their formative value, and therefore the participation of Ph.D. students is strongly encouraged. Specially reduced inscription fees are offered for them, and a number of registration waivers will be granted to students with reduced funding and presenting communications.
Important dates
Dec. 15st, 2011: Opening of early registration and abstract submission.
Feb. 3rd, 2012: Deadline for abstract submission and application for grants.
March 2nd, 2012: Notification of acceptance.
March 16th, 2012: Deadline for early registration.
Apr. 15th, 2012: Workshop start and welcome reception.