ATTENTION! The colloquium will be at the Conference Hall Б-607 on the 6th floor, the entrance to the building will be from the professors' entrance!
In this lecture the main experiments and theoretical views related to observation of unusually high – temperature superconductivity in intercalated FeSe compounds and single layer films of FeSe on substrates like SrTiO_3 (FeSe/STO) will be reviewed. The electronic structure of these systems, theoretical calculations of this structure at hand and their correspondence with ARPES experiments shall be considered in details. It is stressed that electronic spectrum of these systems is qualitatively different from the typical picture of spectrum in the well studied FeAs superconductors. Also the possible mechanisms of Cooper pairing and Tc enhancement in FeSe/STO system and theoretical problems arising here will be discussed. In particular "excitonic" like mechanisms of Tc enhancement like interaction with optical phonons in STO shall be discussed. Unfortunately, the problem of Tc enhancement remains unsolved up to now, and the relevant difficulties shall be discussed, related e.g. to antiadiabatic nature of superconductivity in FeSe/STO system, as well as perspectives for the future.
Michael Sadovskii graduated the Physical Department of the Ural State University in 1971, defended his Ph.D. at the theoretical department of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute in 1975, Dr.Sci. - at the Institute for Metal Physics in 1986. He was a Head of theoretical physics laboratory at the Institute for Electrophysics and also a Deputy Director of the Institute. He was a Professor at the Ural State University. At present Michael Sadovskii is a Chief Researcher and a Head of laboratory of quantum theory of condensed matter at the Institute for Metal Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, a Scientific Supervisor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute for Metal Physics. Author of more than 150 papers on condensed matter theory. His main interests are electronic theory of disordered systems (Anderson localization, pseudogap), superconductivity (disordered superconductors, high-temperature superconductivity). He developed the field theory approach to Anderson localization, self-consistent theory of localization, theory of superconductors close to the Anderson transition, formulated exactly solvable models of the pseudogap state, models of disorder effects in the theory of Peierls transition. His recent interests were connected with extensions of dynamical mean field theory approach to the theory of electrons in strongly correlated systems and theoretical studies of iron based superconductors.
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Источник: РКЦ