В свободном доступе спецвыпуск Nature "Bees"
The world of bees is fascinating and varied. The common honeybee is the most well-known and well-studied species, but there are thousands of wild bee species that enliven our landscapes and help to pollinate crops and wildflowers. The widely reported threats to honeybees, which cause their colonies to collapse, also jeopardize the lives of these lesser-known and under-appreciated bee species.
Free full access
Michelle Grayson
Meet our prime pollinators
Julie Gould
Sarah DeWeerdt
Pesticides: Seeking answers amid a toxic debate
Michael Eisenstein
Microbiome: The puzzle in a bee's gut
Alla Katsnelson
Entomology: The bee-all and end-all
Animal behaviour: Nested instincts
Lauren Gravitz
Wild bees: Lone rangers
Lucas Laursen
Aerodynamics: Vortices and robobees
Neil Savage
A life with bees
Julie Gould
Источник: http://www.nature.com/nature/outlook/bees/?WT.mc_id=GPL_NAT_1505_BEES