Job Description
The candidate is expected to conduct research in the area of interest and in collaboration with other members of Skoltech Center for Energy Systems. Successful candidates will have considerable freedom in pursuing their research interests.
Priority Research Areas
Complexity of modern Power Systems requires an ever-increasing sophistication of theoretical methods to support their safe and effective operation and control. Skoltech Center for Energy System is a hub for development of new original mathematical approaches to analyze and control Power Systems. Current topics of interest include static and dynamic stability, assessment of risk, and data-driven analysis. Underlying mathematical methods vary greatly depending on the project and range from optimization methods and mathematical modeling to algebraic geometry and machine learning. We especially encourage to apply applicants with expertise or strong interest in one of the following topics:
- Numerical and Computational Methods
- Dynamical stability
- Mathematical Optimization and Mathematical Programming (convex optimization, LMI)
- Convex geometry
- Machine Learning
- Statistics and stochastic processes
The work requires close collaboration with MIT in the area of mathematical modeling and optimization.
Minimal Qualifications
Successful candidates will have
- a PhD in mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, theoretical physics, or similar discipline
- experience of conducting independent research at graduate level
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