В свободном доступе Nature Milestones in Crystallography, спецвыпуск посвящен Международному году Кристаллографии :
...Nature Milestones in Crystallography, a collaborative effort between Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, is the eleventh supplement in the series and is timed to coincide with the celebration of the 2014 International Year of Crystallography. Exactly 100 years ago, Max von Laue received the Nobel Prize in Physics “for his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals”. Since that discovery, crystallography has become an essential tool of investigation throughout the sciences, largely because it provides conclusive information on molecular structure down to the atomic level....
Collection articles
The Collection contains previously published articles from Nature (ред. с 1912 г.)
Early period
A selection of relevant content on early period in the field from across Nature Publishing Group.
A selection of relevant content on chemistry from across Nature Publishing Group.
Condensed matter physics
A selection of relevant content on condensed matter physics from across Nature Publishing Group.
Structural biology
A selection of relevant content on structural biology from across Nature Publishing Group.
Nature Milestones in Crystallography was produced with support from the worldwide network of neutron and X-ray sources.
The X-ray and neutron sources around the world contributing to the Crystallography Milestones continuously push technology to the limit, using scattering and diffraction techniques to solve the mysteries of matter and benefit humankind. Physics and chemistry as well as the life sciences, geosciences, engineering and many other disciplines depend on these technologies for progress - in academia as well as in commercial enterprises. The indirect gains to society resulting from the advances of these large science facilities can hardly be overestimated. We hope that by making some of the major crystallography breakthroughs accessible to a wider audience, the Nature Milestones in Crystallography can contribute to the expansion of crystallographic methods to even more disciplines, bringing scientists together to solve the challenges of tomorrow.
Read the message from the worldwide network of neutron and X-ray sources.