17–26.06.2014 г в г. Албена (Болгария) состоится SGEM 2014 НАНО, БИО И ЗЕЛЁНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ДЛЯ УСТОЙЧИВОГО БУДУЩЕГО, которая является частью от 14 Международной научной междисциплинарной геоконференция & Экспо SGEM2014 (www.sgem.org). Планируется работа секций:
24. Section Micro and Nano Technologies
- Micro and nano-structured materials and devices
- Micro and nano particles and applications
- Computational nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Simulation, design and modeling
- Soft micro and nano technologies and applications
- Energy technologies and applications
- Green nanotechnology, environment and society
- Environmental Risk Assessment and Decision-Making for Nanomaterials
- Project management 25. Section Advances in Biotechnology
- Animal Biotechnology
- Food industry
- Biotechnology in Healthcare and Pharmaceutics
- Analytical & Bio Analytical techniques
- Bioinformatics & Molecular biology
- Plant and Agrobiotech
- Microbiology and Biochemistry
- Clinical Research and trials
- Industrial Biotechnologies
- Bio-safety, Systems Biology and bioethics 26. Section Green Buildings Technologies and Materials
- Ecological, inorganic and regenerative building materials. Low carbon buildings.
- Recycling technologies of the building materials waste.
- Low power consumption technologies of the building materials and construction production.
- Insulation technologies and thermal insulation building materials
- Renewable energy materials in construction production.
- Ecological building and environmental planning. New building materials.
- Energy-saving and environmental protection technologies in architectural planning, design, construction applications and rebuilt processes.
- Control technologies of construction energy.
- Agricultural by product used in constructions.
- Monitoring and Control technologies in construction production.
Крайний срок подачи тезисов: 1.05.2014
Крайний срок подачи полного текста доклада: 20.05.2014.
Источник: http://konferencii.ru/info/106434