The Industrial Technologies 2014 conference will be held from 9 to 11 April 2014 in Athens, Greece. The Conference integrates nanotechnology, biotechnology, advanced materials and new production technologies. The event offers opportunities for developing valuable research and industry collaborations, and showcases cutting-edge research, latest innovations and rising companies from all around Europe.
The main topics include:
European and global developments in the high-tech arena,
Re-industrialisation and regional development in Europe,
Technological and entrepreneurial opportunities especially for the Balkan and Mediterranean states, and
Opportunities in Horizon 2020 in the field of enabling technologies.
The 3-day programme offers numerous opportunities to meet and hear international high-level speakers from industry, research and policy. You can explore cutting-edge technologies and network with innovative start-ups and well-known corporations, top-notch research organisations, technology clusters and various other important stakeholders of the European Technology platforms and the Public Private Partnerships. The conference programme includes 4 plenaries, 17 sessions, and 14 workshops with high-level international speakers from the areas of Key Enabling Technologies.
Industrial Technologies for Schools is a national outreach activity organised in the context of the Industrial Technologies 2014 Conference.
Student teams from the following schools will participate in this activity:
- Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras (
- Arsakeio Lyceum of Psyhico (
- Arsakeio – Tositsio Lyceum of Ekali (
- Evangeliki Model School of Smyrna (
- German School of Athens (
- Ionidios Model Experimental Lyceum of Piraeus (
- Protypo Experimental Lyceum of the University of Patras (
- Model Experimental Lyceum of Patras (
- Pierce – The American College of Greece (
- Varvakeion Model Experimental Lyceum (
- Zanneio Model Experimental Lyceum (
The activity has the following objectives:
- Acquaint students with modern industrial technologies, including nanotechnologies, advanced materials and new production technologies
- Engage them in a debate about the relevance of industrial technologies with the grand societal challenges of Europe (e.g. resources efficiency, ageing society, innovative societies etc.)
- Promote creative thinking through a project-based competition
- Enable students to actively participate in the Conference, present their ideas and interact with the European Industrial Technologies community
The activity is structured in two parts:
Part 1
- Presentations in schools on the state of play and future perspectives of modern NMP technologies
- Visits of school teams to academic / research facilities including demonstrations of relevant technologies
Part 2
The school teams will address the question “What can NMP technologies do for addressing the grand societal challenges with a view to year 2020?” and will conceptualise a product / service based on advanced NMP technologies that may address in a novel way an everyday life problem associated with Europe’s Grand Societal Challenges
Each school team will deliver a short report describing the product / service idea, as well as a poster to be exhibited at the posters area, with the key concepts of their proposal.
On Friday, 11th of April 2014 (Conference Day 3), a workshop dedicated to the Industrial Technologies for Schools activity will take place in the Conference venue. All school teams participating in the activity will present their ideas on stage. The competition results will be announced at the end of the Workshop and an award will be given to the winning teams.
- Join this unique event organised for the first time in the context of an Industrial Technologies Conference
- Listen to a “student-eye” view on the future potential of industrial technologies, and get a flavour of out-of-the-box thinking on applications of NMP technologies
- Experience the enthusiasm of young people that will hopefully contribute in advancing NMP technologies with their fresh ideas beyond Horizon 2020
For more information about Industrial Technologies for Schools, contact:
Dr. Dimitris MOURTZIS (Tel.: 2610-997262, email:
Dr. Dimitris MAVRIKIOS (Tel.: 2610-997262, email: