The EuroNanoForum was held for the 6th time in June 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. It was a tremendous success with nearly 1,500 active members of the nanotechnology community from 50 countries around the world. Over 140 high-level speakers gave vivid talks at the plenaries, sessions and workshops during the conference. Nanotechnology developments and commercialisation success stories were also visible at the coinciding Nanotech Europe exhibition with about 70 exhibitors.
Presentations and Media Materials Now Available
You can now download presentations from the EuroNanoForum 2013 website in the presentations and workshop presentations sections. You can also read the press releases about the event.
Watch videos from the event | View conference images
The Best Project, Best Poster and the Most Innovative Exhibitor Awarded
The Best Research Project 2013 was awarded at the Award Gala where the 11 finalists presented their achievements on stage and to the gala attendees. The attendees then had the chance to vote for their favourit. The award was given to the EU project “SONODRUGS” that developed novel drug delivery technologies for localized treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The main achievements were to offer patients a treatment with reduced side effects, fewer burdens and faster recovery after intervention.
Watch videos of the Best Project finalists
The Best Poster 2014 was chosen from over 330 submissions and awarded to Burcu Saner Okan from Sabanci University, Turkey, with the title “Multi-Walled Nanofiber reinforced self-healing, smart composite material production”.
Imec from Belgium was given the Nanotech Europe Award 2013 for the most innovative exhibitor, based on the visual outlooks and innovative contents of their exhibition stand, as well as the ability to communicate their offering. The Intel Business Challenge Europe Winner was SEM+ from Italy.
Save The Date – Industrial Technologies 2014 (9.-11. April 2014 in Athens)
“Industrial Technologies 2014 – Smart Growth through Research and Innovation ‐ Towards Europe 2020” takes place in Athens in April 2014, under the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is Europe’s largest congress for industry, researchers and policy makers in the field of nano, materials and production technologies (NMP) and highlights this time Key Enabling Technologies; Demo & pilot lines; Smart specialisation and regional development; and the Launch of the new Horizon 2020 work programme for Industrial Technologies.
The event will not only feature plenaries, sessions and workshops, but also a networking day, a large exhibition, a Demo Centre, and the Greek Showcase showcasing innovative companies. The winner of the Best Project Award 2014 and the Best Poster Award 2014 will be nominated in the Award Gala. You can meet and hear international high-level speakers from industry, research and policy; see cutting-edge technologies; and network with innovative start-ups, international research organisations, national FDI and technology clusters as well as companies and important stakeholders of the European Technology platforms and the Public Private Partnerships.
The event website will open soon at !