6-й Международный фестиваль научных фильмов (IMAGINE SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL), состоится 18-25 октября 2013 г. в Нью-Йорке, США.
Фестиваль проводится при поддержке Science и Nature
Прием работ - до 15 августа 2013 г.
One or more need to apply
ISFF seeks films that transform scientific thought or process into visually-engaging worlds
ISFF seeks films that veer away from clichés, stereotypes, or traditional scientific reporting presenting fresh and innovative portraits to scientific filmmaking
ISFF seeks films that effectively incorporate science into a compelling narrative while maintaining credible scientific groundings.
ISFF seeks films that have a scientific or technological theme and storyline, or that have a leading character who is a scientist, engineer, or mathematician.
Submissions must be in English or have English subtitles, and there must be a preview AND screening copy available in English or with English subtitles, excepting music videos and films without dialogue.
If your film is accepted, ISFF generally screens off of DVD or Mini DV but we can often assist filmmakers in making transfers from other types of masters if necessary. We may also be able to screen in other formats as the festival gets closer.
For a complete list of accepted films from previous years, please visit our Festival Archives page.