Спецвыпуск, посвященный фотонным интегральным схемам -Advanced photonic integrated circuits
Photonic integrated circuits use light rather than electrons to perform a wide variety of optical functions. Recent developments in nanostructures, metamaterials, and silicon technologies have expanded the range of possible functionalities for these highly integrated optical chips. We focus here on a selection of these, showing how fundamental work in areas such as transformation optics and materials technologies could lead to new functionality for photonic integrated circuits.
Focus library
Passive technologies for future large-scale photonic integrated circuits on silicon: polarization handling, light non-reciprocity and loss reduction
Daoxin Dai, Jared Bauters and John E Bowers
Surface plasmon resonance of layer-by-layer gold nanoparticles induced photoelectric current in environmentally-friendly plasmon-sensitized solar cell
Yen-Hsun Su, Yuan-Feng Ke, Shi-Liang Cai and Qian-Yu Yao
Single and multiple optical switches that use freestanding silicon nanowire waveguide couplers
Yuta Akihama and Kazuhiro Hane
Controlling light-with-light without nonlinearity
Jianfa Zhang, Kevin F MacDonald and Nikolay I Zheludev
Metallic subwavelength-cavity semiconductor nanolasers
K. Ding and C. Z. Ning
Integrated photonic systems based on transformation optics enabled gradient index devices
Qi Wu, Jeremiah P Turpin and Douglas H Werner
Realization of three-dimensional guiding of photons in photonic crystals -
Kenji Ishizaki, Masaki Koumura, Katsuyoshi Suzuki, Kou Gondaira & Susumu Noda