13-я Европейская конференция по прикладной сверхпроводимости (EUCAS 2013) состоится в Генуе (Италия) 13-19 сентября 2013 г.
UCAS is the biennial European Conference on Applied Superconductivity. The event brings together scientists, and industrial researchers and entrepreneurs, dealing in the Materials, Large Scale and Electronics aspects of applied superconductivity.
EUCAS 2013, chaired by Carlo Ferdeghini and Marina Putti, is organized under the patronage of the European Society of Applied Superconductivity (ESAS), but, despite of the European denomination, gathers contributions from all over the world.
- Materials
- Wires, Tapes and Cables
- Large scale applications
- Еlectronics
Online Abstract Submission Deadline | 08 March 2013 |
ESAS prizes
The European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS, www.esas.org) awards four prizes biannually to researchers under the age of 30 for outstanding work presented in person by poster during the EUCAS conference. One prize is awarded in the subject areas of electronics, large-scale, wires and tapes applications and materials, corresponding to the main technical symposia of EUCAS. The main criteria for the award of these prizes are the originality of the work and the general quality of the poster presentation. Each prize-winner receives a printed certificate a monetary award of €500.
The electronics prize is awarded in the memory of Professor Antonio Barone, who died in 2012 and who made an outstanding contribution to this field of superconductivity. This prize is sponsored by the CNR-SPIN Institute in Genoa, of which Professor Barone was a founding member. Candidates are required to submit to the Awards Committee;- A short CV (1 page)
- A summary of the work with a general statement of capabilities and accomplishments in the field (half a page), and a list of publications.
For more information see Conference site