Международная конференция Электронные корреляции в наноструктурах (ECN-2013) состоится в Ялте, Украина, 3-6 октября 2013 г.
The main objective of this International Conference is to bring together leading experts on key current topics in nanotechnology , electron correlation in nanostructures and superconductivity in order to review recent developments.
Topics will include physics of graphene, nanomaterials ,superconductivity.
Tentative List of Invited Speakers
- Y.Asano (Hokaido Univ., Japan)
- A. Balatsky(Los Alamos Nat. Lab.,USA)
- P.Banacky (Comenius University ,Slovakia)
- N. Bogolyubov Jr.(Steklov Institute, Russia)
- A. Geim (Univ. Manchester, UK,)
- D. Geshkenbein (ETH ,Switzerland)
- N. Guskos (TU,Poland)
- J. Freerikcs(Georgetown University,USA)
- H. Fehske(Univ. Greifswald,Germany)
- A. Matsuda (Tokyo University,Japan)
- M. Kunchur(Univ.of South Carolina,USA)
- D. Logan(Oxford Univ.,UK)
- M. Strano (MIT , California,USA)
- V. Kabanov (J.Stefan Institute,Slovenia)
- H. Kim (ETRI , Republic Korea)
- D. Pavuna (IPCM,Switzerland)
- R. Puzniak (Institut of Physics ,Poland)
- J.Fan (CAST ,China)
- T. Tohyama(YITP, Japan)
- Y. Nakazawa (Osaka Univ. , Japan)
- J. Martinez (LANL , USA)
- T. Pruschke (Gottingen University,Germany)
- T. Shibauchi(Kyoto Univ.,Japan )
- I. Burmistrov(Landau Institut,Russia)
- O. Dobrovolskiy (Goethe Univ.,Germany)
- A. Sherman (Goethe University,Estonia)
- R. Woste (Freie Univ., Germany )
- H. Nagao(Kanazawa Univ.,Japan)
- S. Feng(Bejing Univ., China )
- T. Ramsak (J.Stefan Institute,Slovenia)
- A. Fujiwara(JAIST, Japan)
- V.Yudson (Inst. for spectroscopy,Russia)
Time and Location
The conference will be held from 3-6 October 2013 at the "Yalta" Hotel (three star) in Yalta (Crimea, Ukraine). Yalta is a world-famous health resort and the cetre of a large resort area stretchening for more than 70 km along the southern coast of the Crimea.
All partipants of the IC will be accommodated in the hotel. There is auditorium seating 100, which is fitted with modern acoustic equipment. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served for all participants. At the hotel there is an indoor swimming pool with heated sea water.
Participants may travel to the IC from Kiev international airport. You can use the regular flight (Boeing) Kiev - Simferopol(Yalta) - Kiev, leaving Kiev on October 2 at 18:45 and leaving Simferopol on October 6 at 21:10. The price of tickets Kiev-Simferopol-Kiev is 160 EURO. There are direct flights from many Cities to Simferopol.
Deadline for registration: 5 April 2013
The conference will be open to approximately 70 participants.
Applicants may apply for financial assistance in case of
special need.
To participate in the conference please provide the following information