The PASI 2013 workshop, entitled "Particle - surface interactions: from surface analysis to materials processing", will be held in Luxembourg from 3rd to 5th June 2013.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a discussion forum for researchers working in different fields but with a common interest in processes based on low-energy eV to keV particle – surface interactions, including among others, surface analysis, materials processing and thin film deposition.
Topics and scope
Scope The purpose of the workshop is to provide a discussion forum for researchers working in different fields but with a common interest in processes based on low-energy eV to keV particle – surface interactions, including among others, surface analysis, materials processing and thin film deposition.
Techniques involving eV to keV particle – surface interactions
Modification of materials by eV to keV particle bombardment
Thin film growth by plasma or implantation-assisted techniques
Sputtering for analytical purposes
Helium Ion Microscope, SIMS (static and dynamic), FIB, LEIS
Other techniques using ion sputtering
Atomistic processes in eV - keV ion – surface interactions
Radiation-induced damage and defect production
Sputtering of matter
Properties of sputtered particles
Diffusion mechanisms in deposition or radiation processes
Novel and innovative methods to investigate the different processes
Theory and computer simulations
Multi-disciplinary approach to study ion – surface interactions
Low-energy particle – surface interactions
Interface formation
Materials modification
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 5th April 2013
Acceptance notifications: 26th April 2013
Early registration deadline: 3rd May 2013
Late registration deadline: 27th May 2013
Workshop: 3rd-5th June 2013