15 Европейский конгресс по микроскопии (ЕMC 2012) состоится 16-21 сентября в г. Манчестер (Великобритания).
The 15th European Microscopy Congress Manchester Central, United Kingdom 16th - 21st September 2012
Рlenary speakers:
Prof. Christian Colliex, CNRS Research Director at the Electron Microscopy Group at the Solid State Physics Laboratory in Orsay.
Prof. Peter Dobson, Director of Oxford University’s Begbroke Science Park, and Professor at Queen’s College Oxford.
Prof. Andreas Engel, Professor at the Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.
Prof. Scott Fraser, Professor of Biology, and Director of the Biological Imaging Centre at the Beckman Institute at the California Institute of Technology.
Prof. Jeff Lichtman, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard.
Prof. Daniel Shechtman, Philip Tobias Professor of Materials Science at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and 2011 Chemistry Nobel Prize Laureate.
Prof. Tony Wilson, Head of the Scanning Optical Microscopy Group, and Professor of Engineering at the University of Oxford.
There are two “Emerging and late breaking topics” sessions - one within Life and one within Physical Science. Abstracts for these can be submitted right up until 31st August - just over two weeks before emc2012 begins!
To submit a Late Breaking Poster:
Please email this as a word file, no larger than 8MB, to conference@emc2012.org.uk
Your abstract should consist of exactly 2 pages, A4 format (297 x 210 mm). Submissions of less than 300 words will not be accepted.
Abstracts should be a condensed version of the final presentation and include all significant findings. Write the text so that readers who are not specialists will be able to appreciate the purpose of the study and understand the procedures and conclusions. The text, entirely written in English, must include a short introduction and motivation of the study, including experimental procedures, main results and conclusions.
It is not necessary to divide the text into sub-sections, except for the References section. Start paragraphs with indentation (first line, 5 mm). Use Arial 11pt for all body text, and single spacing between lines.
Do not skip a line before each new paragraph, except for the References section. Page 1 should contain text only, using fully justified formatting, with no figures.
Page 2 may comprise figures, figure captions and tables in addition to text. Be sure to include figure labels and scale markers. Figure captions should be placed below figures and tables. Artwork and tables must be electronically inserted into the Word document. Colour figures may be used and will be reproduced as such in the electronic proceedings distributed on CD-ROM only. Line art must be created either in a drawing program or scanned into a suitable format for importing into the document. Check that the width of lines and size of fonts allow the figure to be clear at its final size, in case it is reduced. Ideally, greyscale images should be a minimum of 300 dpi.
Please remember to state if this is for consideration within the Physical or Life Sciences Late Breaking session. Due to print deadlines, only the abstracts received by July 13th will appear in the printed proceedings volumes.
Conference website: http://www.emc2012.org.uk/index.html