Объявляется прием статей в спецвыпуск журнала Advanced Chemistry Letters (Doped Nano-structures for Energy and Electronic Applications), который будет посвящен допированным наноматериалам для энергетики и электроники.
The aim of this themed issue is to bring together the recent advances in synthesis and characterization (both experimental and computational) techniques of doped functional nanomaterials with the focus on elucidating their practical applications. Therefore, we invite submission of original research and comprehensive review papers to this special issue on the
following related topics:
- Doped Nanomaterials for Energy (Photovoltaic and Electrochemical
Applications) and Electronic Devices,
- Synthesis, Growth, Fabrication and Processing of Functional Materials,
- Characterization of Doped Nanomaterials and Molecules on Surfaces,
- Dopants, Vacancies and Defects in Surfaces and Interfaces,
- Further Studies Advancing and Understanding the Function of Doped
Manuscript due : September 15, 2012
Authors’ notification : October 15, 2012
Publication date : December 2012
Источник: http://www.aspbs.com/acl.htm