В свободном доступе майский номер Materials Today, посвященный биоматериалам.
В 5 номере опубликованы обзорные статьи:
From cells to DNA materials Songming Peng, Thomas L. Derrien, Jinhui Cui, Chuanying Xu, and Dan Luo
Luo and colleagues demonstrate that DNA can be used as both a genetic and
generic material for various cell-related applications, including diagnostics,
drug delivery, cell culture, protein production, and immuno-modulation.
Building biomedical materials layer-by-layer Paula T. Hammond
Paula Hammond considers water based layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly as a
means of generating drug-releasing surfaces for biomedical applications. In this
review, the specific advantages of using LbL assembly are discussed, and the
future of the technique is examined.
Protein-based composite materials Xiao Hu, Peggy Cebe, Anthony S. Weiss, Fiorenzo Omenetto, and David L. Kaplan
Protein-based composite biomaterials encompass a range of physical
properties to accommodate a broad spectrum of functional requirements.
Kaplan et al. consider these fascinating materials and their remarkable
properties and their applications in drug delivery, sensing, tissue regeneration,
and beyond.
Towards nano-injection molding Nan Zhang, Cormac J. Byrne, David J. Browne, and Michael D. Gilchrist
Gilchrist and colleagues demonstrate the manufacture of a prototype bulk
metallic glass injection molding tool capable of producing components with
sub-micron surface features: the first step towards high-volume, low-cost,
nano-fabrication of polymer components.