Открыт прием заявок на проведение экспериментов в лаборатории MAXLAB (Лунд, Швеция) по изучению структуры материалов/наноматериалов.
The call for proposals for beamtime on MAX II and MAX III beamlines is now open.
Deadline for submission is Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at midnight CET.
Call periods for proposals
Soft X-ray, VUV and IR beamlines: Deadline in March each year. Beamtime is allocated for the time period August to July next year.
X-ray beamlines I711, I811 and I911-4 (SAXS): Deadline in March and in October each year. Beamtime is allocated for the time periods August to December and January to July, respectively. In March every second year the call is also open for long term proposals, next time will be in 2012.
Macromolecular Crystallography (MX): Deadline in March each year. Beamtime is allocated for the time period August to July next year. In March every second year the call is also open for long term proposals, next time will be in 2013.
Fast access for Macromolecular Crystallography (MX)
This call is open at all times. A maximum of three 24h shifts can be requested for a fast access project.
Proposal types
Normal proposals: Proposals for beamtime in the next allocation period.
Long term proposals: These proposals are intended for large research groups or collaborating research groups that need a large and continuous amount of beamtime (typically 10-30 days per year). Long term proposals are given beamtime for a period of two years.
Fast access proposals (only for MX): Proposals for short term MX projects (maximum three 24h shifts) that need fast access to beamtime not covered by normal or long term proposals.
Заявки принимаются до 20 марта 2012 г.
Источник: MAXLAB