Международная конференция «Мезо-2012: Неравновесные и когерентные процессы в системах нанометрового диапазона» состоится в г. Черноголовка 17–23 июня 2012 г.
Advanced research workshop “Meso–2012”
Mesoscopic and strongly correlated electron systems -6
Non-equilibrium and coherent phenomena at nanoscale
June 17-23, 2012, Chernogolovka, Russia
Announcement: Sixth Conference in the Series "Mesoscopic and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems" organized jointly by Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics and Institute of Solid State Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences). This workshop continues the series of conferences held in Chernogolovka in 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, and 2009.
Main topics
The goal: to bring together theorists and experimentalists working on the problems at the frontier of modern condensed matter physics.
Framework: about 60 invited talks (40 minutes duration each) distributed mainly, but not exclusively, among the topics listed above, followed by round-table panels focusing on specific "hot problems" to be indentified during the Workshop. Informal discussions and poster session following flash presentations of posters will be arranged.
Participation: regular participants are invited to fill in the application form (invited speakers do not need it).
Application deadline: March 15, 2012
Location: Chernogolovka is a research center of Russian Academy of Sciences, located 60 km North-East of Moscow. Public transportation to/from Moscow is regular and convenient. Shuttle bus and some flexible culture program will be arranged for the participants.
Dates: June 17, Sunday, will be the first working day of the meeting, starting 9 a.m. International arrivals are expected on Saturday, June 16. Scientific program will conclude on Saturday, June 23.
Financials: Organizing Committee will attempt to cover all local expenses for invited speakers.
School: a summer school on nanophysics and nanoelectronics will be held just before the conference, on June 8–15, 2012.