6th Interntional Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP 2012) that will take place in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. Previous meetings were held also in Chisinau in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. The MSCMP 2012 Conference will be held in the Odiseu resort complex (http://odiseu.md/), Vadul-lui-Voda town, in the suburb of Chisinau, on September 11-14, 2012.
It will be a forum for presentations of research findings and plans across wide areas of condensed matter physics and materials science. It will provide nice opportunity of discussion and dissemination of the latest results on selected topics of condensed matter physics and materials science. On the other hand, this will be an occasion for refreshing a broad perspective of scientific research and technological development for the participants through invited papers.
Conference language: English.
Persons willing to attend the conference must follow the 5-step procedure:
- preliminary registration, on this site, see corresponding menu item on the left
- (for those who intend to present a report) abstracts submission, also on this site, see corresponding menu item
- abstracts review/selection and notification on acceptance
- final registration of participants, on this site, the corresponding menu item will appear in due time
- conference venue
We recommend you to make a preliminary registration as soon as possible in order to be up to date with all conference announcements or program/date changes that will be disseminated as newsletters by email.
MSCMP 2012 program will consist of invited and contributed (oral and poster) papers. In oral sessions authors should use PowerPoint presentations. The presentation should not exceed 30 minutes for invited papers, and 15 minutes for contributed papers, discussion included. The posters should not exceed 90 cm in width and 100 cm in height.
For more informations and questions please contact Conference secretary dr. Irina Filippova (contact info at the bottom of page).
Conference topics
The Sections of the Conference will deal with the following topics:
Materials and structure processing (MSP)
advanced materials and fabrication processes; methods of crystal growth, post-growth technological processes, doping and implantation, fabrication of solid state structures; defect engineering, engineering of molecular assembly.
Nanotechnology, nanostructures and nanoelectronics (NNN)
Methods of nanostructures and nanomaterials fabrication and characterization; quantum wells and superlattices; nanocomposite, nanowires and nanodots; fullerenes and nanotubes, molecular materials, meso- and nanoelectronics.
Characterization, physical processes and properties (CPPP)
methods of material and structure characterization; microscopy and spectroscopy; structure and mechanical characterization; optical properties; electrical, magnetic and superconductor properties, transport processes, non-linear phenomena, size and interface effects.
Condensed matter theory (CMT)
advances in condensed matter theory; theory of low dimensional systems; modelling of materials and structure properties; phase transitions; advanced quantum physics for nanosystems.
Solid-state device physics (SSDP)
device modelling and simulation, device structures and elements; optoelectronics and photonics; photovoltaics; microsensors and micro electro-mechanical systems; microsystems; degradation and reliability, solid-state device design.
Electro-physico-chemical methods of materials treatment (EMT)
theory and advanced technologies of electro-physico-chemical and combined methods of materials machining and treatment, including modification of surfaces; theory and advanced technologies of using electric fields, currents and discharges so as to intensify heat - mass-transfer, to raise the efficiency of treatment of materials, of biological preparations and foodstuff; modern equipment for electrical materials machining and treatment.
Important Dates:
Preliminary registration and abstract submission - April 30th, 2012
Notification on acceptance of presentations - May 31th, 2012