До 01 марта 2012 г. открыт прием заявок в Helmholtz Zentrun Berlin (HZB) на проведение экспериментов по изучению структуры с применением нейтронного (BER II) и синхротронного (BESSY II) излучения в период август 2012 - январь 2013) .
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The HZB user coordination invites you to submit proposals for the next proposal round for our synchrotron radiation facility BESSY II with beam time being allocated in the second semester of 2012 (August 2012 to January 2013). Due to the delayed restart of the reactor and a significant backlog of previous application rounds, the proposal round for BER II will be suspended for this semester.
HZB users are asked to exclusively submit their proposals via GATE, by choosing the <Photons (BESSY II)> -link. Please note the "Guidelines for Proposal Submission" which are available in the online help (more info>>). Users not yet registered in our data-base will have to do so before being able to apply for beamtime or to be included as a co-proposer.
Most relevant and partially new information is summarized below:
Available times:
The application period 2nd semester 2012 covers the months August 2012 to January 2013. BESSY II will provide 15 weeks of multi-bunch, 2 weeks of single bunch and 1 week of low-alpha operation. For a reasonable specification of preferred and/or inconvenient beamtime periods in the technical section of your application, please have a look to the BESSY II operation calendar 2012_2 or simply follow the link to the operation calendar 2012 in the header of the online platform).
Top-up and Radiation Safety Requirements:
Starting with August 2012, BESSY II will be operated in TOP-UP mode. Radiation safety regulations force us to install a CONTROLLED AREA in the BESSY II experimental hall. Users will have to fulfill more stringent radiation safety requirements. For details read the Radiation Safety requirements pages!
Experimental stations:
Due to an up-grade of the 7T-Multipole-Wiggler the experimental stations
- 7T-MPW-magS
will be out of operation for the second semester 2012. No applications for these stations will be possible.
If you plan applying for an experimental station of a partner group or a BESSY-station, please make sure to discuss the technical possibilities in advance with the corresponding station manager. Very helpful in this issue is to make the station manager a co-proposer, thus he can read the proposal online and check if the technical requirements can be fulfilled. Do not hesitate to contact us for guidance for the most suitable station.