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Trelewicz, J.R. and C.A. Schuh, “Hot Nanoindentation of Nanocrystalline Ni-W Alloys”, Scripta Materialia, 61, 1056-1059, 2009.
Packard, C.E., J. Schroers, and C.A. Schuh, “ In-situ Measurements of Surface Tension-Driven Shape Recovery in a Metallic Glass”, Scripta Materialia, 60, 1145-1148, 2009.
Schuh, C.A., A.C. Lund, and T.G. Nieh, “ New Regime of Homogeneous Flow in the Deformation Map of Metallic Glasses: Elevated Temperature Nanoindentation Experiments and Mechanistic Modeling”, Acta Materialia 52, 5879-5891, 2004.
Pereira, G., and D. Munoz-Paniagua, A. Lachenwitzer, M. Kasrai, P.R. Norton, T.W. Capehart, T.A. Perry, and Y.T. Cheng, “ A Variable Temperature Mechanical Analysis of ZDDP-Derived Antiwear Films Formed on 52100 Steel”, Wear, 262, 461-470, 2007.
Schuh, C.A., “Nano indentation Studies of Materials”, Materials Today, 9, 32-40, 2006.
O. Franke, M. Göken, M. Meyers, K. Durst, A.M. Hodge, “Dynamic nanoindentation of articular porcine cartilage”, Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol. 31, p789-795 (2011).
V.T. Nayar, J.D. Weiland, C.S. Nelson, A.M. Hodge, “Elastic and Viscoelastic Characterization of Agar”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2011 (in press).
Y. Gu, M. Li, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, “Characterization of the Interphase in Carbon Fiber/Polymer Composites Using a Nanoscale Dyn amic Mechanical Imaging Technique”, Carbon, 48, 3229-3235, 2010.
G.L. Fisher, M. Dickinson, S. R. Bryan, J. Moulder, “C60 Sputtering of Organics: A Study Using TOF-SIMS, XPS and Nanoindentation”, Applied Surface Science, 255, 819-823, 2008.
Afrooz Barnoush and Horst Vehoff. In situ electrochemical nanoindentation: A technique for local examination of hydrogen embrittlement. Corrosion Science, Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 259-267
P. Hosemann, C. Vieh, R.R. Greco, S. Kabra, J.A. Valdez, M.J. Cappiello and S.A. Maloy. Nanoindentation on ion irradiated steels.Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 389, Issue 2, 31 May 2009, Pages 239-247
Записи Вебинаров :
Nanomechanical Characterization In Materials for Energy - Part III: Irradiated Materials, Organic Solar Cells and LEDs
Nanomechanical Characterization In Materials for Energy - Part II: Electrochemistry and Applied Research in PV Wafer Breakage
Nanomechanical Characterization In Materials for Energy - Part I: Green and Renewable Energy
Tools & Techniques for Nanomechanical Testing of Biomaterials: Part II: Softer Biomaterial Applications
"Tools & Techniques for Nanomechanical Testing of Biomaterials"
Novel Techniques for In-Situ Nanomechanical Testing in the Electron Microscope
In- Situ Nanomechanical Testing Techniques
Nanoindentation of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Electronic Structures
Nanoindentation of Organic Electronic Structures
Спецвыпуски журнала Materials Today:
Nanomechanical testing comes of age
Nanoidentation; nanomechanics and tribology
Источник: микросайт СontentConnect