В свободном доступе номер 1-2, 2011 г. журнала Materials Today, посвященный наноматериалам и нанотехнологиям.
Lead story
Thermoplastic blow molding of metals Jan Schroers, Thomas M. Hodges, Golden Kumar, Hari Raman,Anthony. J. Barnes, Quoc Pham, and Theodore A. Waniuk
While plastics have revolutionized industrial design due to their versatile processability, their relatively low strength has hampered their use in structural components. On the other hand, although metals are the basis for strong structural components, the geometries into which they can be processed are rather limited.
Schroers et al. show that bulk metallic glasses, which have superior mechanical properties, can be blow molded like plastics.
Silsesquioxanes in nanoscale patterning applications
Hyun Wook Ro and Christopher L. Soles
Silsesquioxanes are inorganic-organic hybrid materials that combine the mechanical, thermal, and chemical stability of ceramics with the solution processing and flexibility of traditional soft materials. In this review the authors discuss how these attributes naturally lend themselves to a diverse range of nanoscale patterning applications.
Flipping photons backward: reversed Cherenkov radiation
Hongsheng Chen and Min Chen
Charged particles moving faster than light in a medium produce Cherenkov radiation. In traditional, positive index-of-refraction materials this radiation travels forward. Metamaterials, with negative indices of refraction, flip the radiation backward. Chen
and Chen review recent advances in reversed Cherenkov radiation research, including the first demonstration of backward emission and the potential for developing new types of devices.
T-shaped SnO2 nanowire current splitter
Zheng Guo, Xing Chen, Wei-Hong Xu, Jie Li, Gui-Mei Yang, Min-Qiang Li, Jin-Huai Liu, and Xing-Jiu Huang
Guo et al. discuss the electrical characteristics of a T-shaped SnO2 nanowire. By connecting the three branches of the T-junction as a gate, source and drain, control over the output current is possible, without the need for an external gate, analogous to the operation of a field effect transistor. This promising behaviour suggests that nanowires with similar morphologies may find a home in future
nanoelectronic devices.
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