В свободном доступе спецвыпуск Nature Photonics. Technology Focus. Adaptive optics. (Самонастраивающаяся оптика) .
Adaptive answers - p15
Business News
Telescopes get multimillion-dollar upgrades - p16
Research Highlights
Our choice from the recent literature - p17
Adapting to change - pp18 - 19
Nadya Anscombe
Industry Perspectives
Adaptive imaging: MEMS deformable mirrors - pp21 - 23
Thomas Bifano
Biomedical imaging: New view of the eye - pp24 - 26
Mark Zacharria, Barbara Lamory & Nicolas Chateau
Product Highlights
Adaptive optics kits, tabletop deformable mirrors and more - p27
Getting a clearer picture - p28
Interview with Robert Tyson