Blessed with plentiful sunshine, Sicily is one of the first Europe's region that has already reached the "grid-parity", namely the point at which the price of photovoltaic electricity equals that of power purchased from the grid. The island is experiencing a real boom in both major domains of the solar energy industry -- PV and solar thermal.
Earlier this year, a new company started production in Sicily of thin-film modules using state-of-the-art technology. With the ongoing decline of the modules price and its large > (5 m) population, Sicily is certainly one of the Europe's regions that will experience double-digit growth in coming years.
Over 3 days of conference and exhibition, new products and technical innovations from all areas of solar energy technologies and from all over the world will be on show.
* Solar cooling
* Concentrated solar power
* Thin film photovoltaics
* Solar electric vehicle
* Solar thermal
* Solar economy (Helionomics)
Call for oral abstracts deadline - 31 January 2011