Подробная информация на сайте:
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P.S. Most relevant and partially new information is summarized below:
Available times:
In application period 2nd semester 2011 covers the months August 2011 to January 2012. BESSY II will provide 16 weeks of multi-bunch, 2 weeks of single bunch and 1 week of low-alpha operation. For a reasonable specification of preferred and/or inconvenient beamtime periods in the technical section of your application, please have a look to the BESSY II operation calendar 2011 (http://www.helmholtz- berlin.de/media/media/grossgeraete/nutzerdienst/photons/schedules/operationschedule2011.pdf or simply follow the link to the operation calendar 2011 in the header of the online platform).
Beamtime fees:
Only for proprietary industrial research beamtime fees are collected. Academic users can use the BESSY II services without paying any fees. The readiness to publish the scientific results within a reasonable period of time giving proper mention to the HZB is a prerequisite for the charge-free admission of external users.
Travel Support:
Limited funds are available to assist with travel and subsistence expenses for German and EU research groups who cannot finance these costs from their institute's budget. Users from German universities get preferential treatment. Groups coming from EU Member States and Associated States may qualify for a travel grant provided by the European Commission under the EU-I3 "ELISA"-project for access to HZB Photons. Up to two young scientists per beamtime campaign can be supported by HZB.
Proposal Types, Funding Programmes:
Please make sure to select the right "proposal type" from the select box. Please mind that EU-I3 (ELISA) funding will only be possible for projects with the main proposer and/or the project leader being users with affiliations from non-German EU-countries.
Beamtime reports, Publications:
Results from previous projects stated in the "Experimental Reports" as well as BESSY-related publications will affect the chances for future beamtimes significantly. Make sure to include them if available.
Scientific Colleges:
Please choose the most suitable college of the Scientific Selection Panel for your project from the list provided in the selection box of the online system; a short selection guide will be available in the online help.
Experimental stations:
When you plan applying for an experimental station of a partner group or a BESSY-station, please make sure to discuss the technical possibilities in advance with the corresponding station manager. Very helpful in this issue is to make the station manager a co-proposer, thus he can read the proposal online and check if the technical requirements can be fulfilled. Do not hesitate to contact us for guidance for the most suitable station.
The HARD DEADLINE for submission of applications for the SECOND SEMESTER 2011 is MARCH 1, 2011, 23:59:59 (CET)! Please do not count on a "dead deadline"!
In case of any problems, do not hesitate to contact us; the appropriate contact information is given in the BOAT pages. Any comment on the online system and your experiences with it are highly appreciated,
Dr. Gerd Reichardt
-User Coordination BESSY II -
* Dr. Gerd Reichardt
* User Coordination BESSY II
* Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15,D-12489 Berlin,Germany
* phone: +49-(0)30-8062-1-4983
* fax: +49-(0)30-8062-1-4673
* mail: gerd.reichardt@helmholtz-berlin.de