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Postdoctoral positions at IBM Research – Zurich laboratory

Ключевые слова:  IBM, комплементарная МОП-структура, нано электромеханические устройства

29 декабря 2010

Postdoctoral positions:
* Nanoelectromechanical switch devices for logic application
Ref. 2010-53 (please quote in your reply)

There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research position in the nanofabrication group at the IBM Research – Zurich laboratory for research on nanoelectromechanical (NEM) switch devices for logic applications.

To overcome the power issue of current CMOS technology, the microelectronic industry needs radically new devices that drastically improve the energy efficiency of microelectronic systems. One promising — yet still largely unexplored — technology is based on NanoElectroMechanical (NEM) switches, which are expected to produce significant improvements in energy efficiency. In this project, we are investigating the viability of this technology by developing a competitive and manufacturable device platform, by performing materials research to address inherent reliability issues, and by developing tools and methodologies to build complex logic.

To strengthen our interdisciplinary team, we are seeking a highly motivated individual with very good interpersonal skills and a strong background in designing and testing NEM systems as well as in applied materials science.

The successful candidate will play an important role in the design and testing of NEM devices. Â Hence we are seeking candidates who have a thorough understanding of the physics related to nanoscale electromechanical devices, experience in the design and characterization of such devices as well as extensive experience in using multi-physics simulation tools (such as ANSYS). Good knowledge of micro- and nanofabrication in addition to familiarity with logic design would be an asset.

For your information, there is also another position available for the development of a system architecture based on NEM switch devices.

IBM is committed to diversity at the workplace. With us, you will find an open, multicultural environment. Excellent, flexible working arrangements enable both women and men to strike the desired balance between their professional development and their personal lives.

How to apply

If the above position fits your background and if you are interested in this challenging position, please send your complete curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the names of two references to

Ms. Irene Holenweger Koeb
IBM Research - Zurich
Säumerstrasse 4
8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
e-mail: iho@zurich.ibm.com

Application per e-mail is preferred.

For more technical details, please contact Dr. Michel Despont (e-mail: dpt@zurich.ibm.com).

**Architecture & circuit design for digital logic based on nanoelectromechanical switch devices
Ref. 2010-54 (please quote in your reply)

There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral scientist position in the accelerator technologies group at the IBM Research – Zurich laboratory for research on nanoelectromechanical switch devices for digital logic.

The traditional scaling of CMOS technology is increasingly constrained by power limitations (e.g., saturation of the clock frequency in microprocessors). Therefore the microelectronic industry is researching radically new devices that drastically improve the energy efficiency of microelectronic systems. One promising — yet still largely unexplored — technology is based on NanoElectroMechanical (NEM) switches, which potentially offer significant improvements in energy efficiency. In this project, we are investigating the viability of this technology by developing a competitive and manufacturable device, by performing materials research to address inherent reliability issues, and by developing tools and methodologies to build complex logic based on novel NEM switch devices.

To strengthen our team, we are seeking a highly motivated individual with very good interpersonal skills and a strong background in mixed-signal circuit design as well as in the design and implementation of MEMS/NEMS interface circuitry.

The successful candidate will play an important role in the system design of digital logic based on NEM switches. We are seeking candidates who have a thorough understanding of mixed-signal circuit design as well as a strong grasp of the tools and methodologies used in digital logic design. Basic knowledge of micro- and nanofabrication and interface circuitry to nanomechanical devices would be an additional asset.

For your information, there is also another position available for the development of NEM switch devices for digital logic.

IBM is committed to diversity at the workplace. With us, you will find an open, multicultural environment. Excellent, flexible working arrangements enable both women and men to strike the desired balance between their professional development and their personal lives.

How to apply
If the above position fits your background and if you are interested in this challenging position, please send your complete curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the names of two references to

Ms. Irene Holenweger Koeb
IBM Research - Zurich
Säumerstrasse 4
8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
e-mail: iho@zurich.ibm.com

Application per e-mail is preferred.

For more technical details, please contact Dr. Christoph Hagleitner (e-mail: hle@zurich.ibm.com).

See http://www.zurich.ibm.com/employment/


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Эра технопредпринимательства

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Технопредпринимательство - идея, которая принесет свои плоды при бережном культивировании и взращивании. И наша наноолимпиада, и Наноград от Школьной Лиги РОСНАНО, и проект Стемфорд, и другие замечательные инициативы - важные шаги на пути реализации этой и других идей, связанных с развитием новых высоких технологий в нашей стране и привлечением молодых талантов в эту вполне стратегическую область. Ниже приведен небольшой опрос, который позволит и нам, и вам понять, а что все же значит этот модный термин, и какова его суть.

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