В свободном доступе спецвыпуск Nature Focus, посвященный графену, Nobel Prize for graphene :
It's still all about graphene - p1
Progress article
The rise of graphene A. K. Geim & K. S. Novoselov
Nature MaterialsVol.6, 183 - 192 (2007)
Electronic transport in polycrystalline graphene
Oleg V. Yazyev & Steven G. Louie
Nature MaterialsVol.9, 806 - 809 (2010)
Dimensional crossover of thermal transport in few-layer graphene
Suchismita Ghosh, Wenzhong Bao, Denis L. Nika, Samia Subrina, Evghenii P. Pokatilov, Chun Ning Lau & Alexander A. Balandin
Nature MaterialsVol.9, 555 - 558 (2010)
Atomic layers of hybridized boron nitride and graphene domains
Lijie Ci, Li Song, Chuanhong Jin, Deep Jariwala, Dangxin Wu, Yongjie Li, Anchal Srivastava, Z. F. Wang, Kevin Storr, Luis Balicas, Feng Liu & Pulickel M. Ajayan
Nature MaterialsVol.9, 430 - 435 (2010)
Bandgap opening in graphene induced by patterned hydrogen adsorption
Richard Balog, Bjarke Jørgensen, Louis Nilsson, Mie Andersen, Emile Rienks, Marco Bianchi, Mattia Fanetti, Erik Lægsgaard, Alessandro Baraldi, Silvano Lizzit, Zeljko Sljivancanin, Flemming Besenbacher, Bjørk Hammer, Thomas G. Pedersen, Philip Hofmann & Liv Hornekæ
Nature MaterialsVol.9, 315 - 319 (2010)
Towards wafer-size graphene layers by atmospheric pressure graphitization of silicon carbide
Konstantin V. Emtsev, Aaron Bostwick, Karsten Horn, Johannes Jobst, Gary L. Kellogg, Lothar Ley, Jessica L. McChesney, Taisuke Ohta, Sergey A. Reshanov, Jonas Röhrl, Eli Rotenberg, Andreas K. Schmid, Daniel Waldmann, Heiko B. Weber & Thomas Seyller
Nature MaterialsVol.8, 203 - 207 (2009)
The influence of edge structure on the electronic properties of graphene quantum dots and nanoribbons
Kyle A. Ritter & Joseph W. Lyding
Nature MaterialsVol.8, 235 - 242 (2009)
Epitaxial graphene on ruthenium
Peter W. Sutter, Jan-Ingo Flege & Eli A. Sutter
Nature MaterialsVol.7, 406 - 411 (2008)
Gate-induced insulating state in bilayer graphene devices
Jeroen B. Oostinga, Hubert B. Heersche, Xinglan Liu, Alberto F. Morpurgo & Lieven M. K. Vandersypen
Nature MaterialsVol.7, 151 - 157 (2008)
Intrinsic ripples in graphene
A. Fasolino, J. H. Los & M. I. Katsnelson
Nature MaterialsVol.6, 858 - 861 (2007)
Substrate-induced bandgap opening in epitaxial graphene
S. Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, A. V. Fedorov, P. N. First, W. A. de Heer, D.-H. Lee, F. Guinea, A. H. Castro Neto & A. Lanzara
Nature MaterialsVol.6, 770 - 775 (2007)
Detection of individual gas molecules adsorbed on graphene
F. Schedin, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, E. W. Hill, P. Blake, M. I. Katsnelson & K. S. Novoselov
Nature MaterialsVol.6, 652 - 655 (2007)
Breakdown of the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation in graphene
Simone Pisana, Michele Lazzeri, Cinzia Casiraghi, Kostya S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, Andrea C. Ferrari & Francesco Mauri
Nature MaterialsVol.6, 198 - 201 (2007)