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"Физика и клетка" (Physics and the Cell) все статьи в свободном доступе до 31 марта 2011 г
Применение физических методов исследований помогает при изучении биологических объектов - клеток, в том числе, их поведение и функции. И численные методы, и различные эксперименты по изучению свойств материалов, широко используемые во многих физических лабораториях, оказываются полезными инструментами в биологии тоже, при изучении таких объектов, как живые клетки.
СодержаниеNature Physics Insight – Physics and the Cell:
Physics and the cell - - p725
David Gevaux
Physics challenged by cells - pp726 - 729
Ana-Sunčana Smith
Cells are the building blocks of life. Ideas traditionally applied to physical problems are now helping to unravel their complex mysteries.
Are biomechanical changes necessary for tumour progression? - pp730 - 732
Anatol Fritsch, Michael Höckel, Tobias Kiessling, Kenechukwu David Nnetu, Franziska Wetzel, Mareike Zink & Josef A. Käs
Cell biophysics sheds some new light on cancer by approaching this complex problem from a materials science perspective.
Review Articles
Physical virology - pp733 - 743
W. H. Roos, R. Bruinsma & G. J. L. Wuite
Viruses are protected by a protein shell known as a capsid. The mechanical properties of capsids have been the focus of intense experimental and theoretical investigation with the hope that a better understanding will open the door to new medical treatments and applications in biotechnology.
X-ray imaging beyond the limits - pp744 - 750
Dante R. Chialvo
Is the brain on the edge of criticality? Understanding the inner workings of the brain is a task made difficult by the number of elements involved: a hundred billion neurons and a hundred trillion synapses. Viewing the brain in terms of collective dynamics is one approach now yielding some insight.
Challenges in protein-folding simulations - pp751 - 758
Peter L. Freddolino, Christopher B. Harrison, Yanxin Liu & Klaus Schulten
A protein's shape is crucial for fulfilling its function within a cell. This Review discusses how molecular dynamics simulations have given us insight into the processes that turn a linear chain of amino acids into a unique three-dimensional protein.