Фирма Carl Zeiss подвела итоги конкурса Nano Image Contest
Победителями в номинациях стали:
1. Scanning Electron Microscopy:
Heinrich Badenhorst - Catalyst and inhibitor particles on the surface of graphite (ZEISS Ultra).
2. CrossBeam FIB-SEM:
Norman Hauke - Freestanding photonic crystal nanostructure with 500 nm hole distance. A square area has been etched away by a focussed ion beam to to reveal the freestanding 250nm thick membrane. This structure is used to enhance the radiative efficiency of silicon to generate an efficient silicon-based light source (CrossBeam NVision 40).
3. Transmission Electron Microscopy:
Andrey Burov - Nano-particles of colloidal gold (Libra 120)
4. Helium Ion Microscopy:
Еmile van Veldhoven - Three 3D logos created with Pt-deposition and imaged under an angle of 30 degrees with the Helium Ion Microscope Orion plus. It all fits in a 2 micron square (10)