12-14 сентября в г. Биарриц Франция.
Solid-state chemistry - oxides and intermetallics
Materials for energy conversion and storage
Multiferoïc Materials
Multifunctional materials
New high Tc superconductors
Nanomaterials (focusing on nano-effects)
Abstract submission and instuctions:
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you.
Solid State Chemistry - Oxides and Intermetallics
Werner Paulus, Université Rennes
Low temperature oxygen mobility in non-stoichiometric oxides
Mas Subramanian, Oregon State University, USA
Functional transition Metal Oxides: trigonal bipyramidal versus octahedral coordination
Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage
Anke Wiedenkaff
Functional perovskite-type materials for energy technologies
Joachim Maier, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Search for Materials and the Role of Size Effects
Multiferoïc Materials
Yoshinori Tokura, University of Tokyo, Japan
Multiferroic materials with spin superstructures
Tsuyoshi Kimura, Osaka University, Japan
Current progress of research on spin-driven ferroelectrics
Multifunctional Materials
Paolo Radaelli, University of Oxford, UK
Nudging the Neumann's principle: new multifunctional materials from symmetry breaking
John Mitchell, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Frustration and grave under pressure: three tales about novel oxides
New High TC Superconductors
David Mandrus, Nielsen Physics Building/ORNL, USA
Spin fluctuations in Fe-based superconductors: what have we learned?
Dirk Johrendt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Crystal chemistry of iron-based superconductors
Nanomaterials (focussing on nano-effects)
David Grosso, Collège de France, France
Design and construction of complex nanostructured coatings by bottom-up approaches
Markus Niederberger, Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials, Switzerland
Inorganic nanomaterials: 1500 years of success story
The conference is sponsored by the journal Solid State Sciences, published by Elsevier. A special issue of Solid State Sciences containing full length papers from the invited speakers and selected oral presentations will be published after the conference.
Источник: http://www.im-conference.elsevier.com/